Simple View Extensions
- Extensions are activated by putting the extension name to the
list in webdav.conf
@EXTENSIONS = ('History', 'Highlighter','Diff','Download','Zip','DiskUsage',
- Extensions are configured with the
variable in webdav.conf
$EXTENSION_CONFIG{SendByMail} = { relayhost=>'' };
- You can use some lists for easier upgrades:
- If an extension is to be disabled, you can set the option 'dontregister', for example:
Supported Extensions
- AFSACLManager - manages AFS ACL
- AFSGroupManager - manage AFS user groups
- Diff - compares files/folders
- DiskUsage - collects disk usage data
- Download - offers a download button to force download instead of view
- Feedback - adds a feedback dialog
- GPXViewer - shows GPX tracks with Google maps
- HexDump - shows a hexdump of a file
- Highlighter - colorizes files/folders
- History - shows a folder history
- ImageInfo - shows image/video/audio information (EXIF, ID3, ...)
- ODFConverter - converts between Open Document file formats and other Office file formats
- Permissions - manages files/folder POSIX permissions (user, group, others: rwxts)
- PosixAclManager - manages POSIX ACL
- PublicUri - share files and folders with a public link (own page)
- QuickToggle - adds a toolbar for toggling some preferences
- Redirect - redirects folders to any web page
- SaveSettings - saves web interface settings into properties database
- Search - searches file/folders by name or content including duplicate file search
- SendByMail - sends mails with attached files/folders
- TextEditor - offers a simple text editor with integrated CKEditor™ for HTML editing
- SourceCodeViewer - show syntax highlighted source code
- VideoJS - plays mp3/ogv/webm videos with VideoJS player
- ViewerJS - shows OpenDocument and PDF files (odt,odp,ods)
- Zip - (un)compresses files/folders
# allow_afsaclchanges - (dis)allows AFS ACL changes
# template - default template
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables popup menu entry
# disable_apps - disables apps entry
# ptscmd - path to the pts command (default: /usr/bin/pts)
# disallow_afsgroupchanges - disallows afs group changes
# ptscmd - sets the AFS pts command (default: /usr/bin/pts)
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# disable_apps - disables sidebar menu entry
# template - sets the template (default: afsgroupmanager)
# diff - sets the path to GNU diff (default: /usr/bin/diff)
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# enable_apps - enables sidebar menu entry
# files_only - disables folder comparision (recommended for SMB, DBB)
# enable_fileaction - enables fileaction entry
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# disable_apps - disables sidebar menu entry
# timeout - timeout in seconds (default: 60)
# filelimit - limits file count for treemap (default: 50)
# folderlimit - limits folder count for details and treemap (default: 50)
# template - dialog template (default: diskusage)
# followsymlinks - follows sym links (default: 1 (on))
# disable_fileaction - disables fileaction entry
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# enable_apps - enables sidebar menu entry
# disable_binarydownload - sets the right MIME type
# contact - TO recipient address[es] (default:
# contact_cc - CC recipient address[es] (default: undef)
# contact_bcc - BCC recipient address[es] (default: undef)
# emailallowed - enables email field in feedback form (default: 0 [disabled])
# domain - mail domain for 'from' address (only used if a REMOTE_USER doesn't contain a domain)
# subject - email subject (default: "WebDAV CGI")
# body - email body (default: "\$msg\n\n%s\n" [%s - client info data, \$msg - message])
# clientinfo - if enabled add client info to feedback mail (default: 1 [enabled])
# mailrelay - sets the host(name|ip) of the mail relay (default: localhost)
# timeout - mailrelay timeout in seconds (default: 2)
# sizelimit - defines the mail size limit excepted by your mail relay (default: 20971520 [=20MB])
GPX Viewer
# sizelimit - file size limit (default: 2097152 (=2MB))
# chunksize - chunk size (bytes in a row, default: 16)
# namespace - XML namespace for attributes
# (default: {$REMOTE_USER})
# attributes - CSS attributes to change for a file list entry
# hidegroups - sets a list of groups to hide (default: ['ExifTool'])
# ooffice - path to ooffice (default: /usr/bin/soffice)
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables popup menu entry
# disable_apps - disables apps entry
# getfacl - getfacl path (default: /usr/bin/getfacl)
# setfacl - setfacl path (default: /usr/bin/setfacl)
Go to
the PublicUri page.
# toggles - template file
# disable_filterbox - disables filterbox entry
# enable_apps - enables sidebar menu entry
# enable_pref - enables sidebar menu entry (after preferences)
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# disable_apps - disables sidebar menu entry
# allow_contentsearch - allows file content search
# resultlimit - sets result limit (default: 1000)
# searchtimeout - sets a timeout in seconds (default: 30 seconds)
# sizelimit - sets size limit for content search (default: 2097152 (=2MB))
# disable_dupseaerch - disables duplicate file search
# maxdepth - maximum search level (default: 100)
# duplicate_sample_size - sample size for doublet search (default: 1024 (=1KB))
# redirect - sets folder/files for a redirect
# format: { '/full/file/path' => 'url' , ... }
# enable_directredirect - enables redirects of direct calls to redirected pathes (default: off)
# settings.savesettings - default behavior
# (one of savesettings.dontsave, savesettings.saveall,
# savesettings.savesettingsonly, savesettings.savebookmarksonly)
# mailrelay - sets the host(name|ip) of the mail relay (default: localhost)
# login - sets the login for the mail relay (default: not used)
# password - sets the password for the login (default: not used)
# sizelimit - sets the mail size limit
# (depends on your SMTP setup, default: 20971520 bytes)
# defaultfrom - sets default sender mail addresss (default: REMOTE_USER)
# defaultto - sets default recipient (default: empty string)
# defaultsubject - sets default subject (default: empty string)
# defaultmessage - sets default message (default: empty string)
# defaultzipfilename - sets a default filename for ZIP files
# enable_savemailasfile - allows to save a mail as a eml file
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables entry in popup menu
# disable_fileaction - disables entry in toolbar
# enable_apps - enables sidebar menu entry
# addressboook - Perl module name with a addressbook implementation
# LDAP: 'WebInterface::Extension::SendByMail::LdapAddressbook'
# ldap.server - sets the LDAP server name (IP or hostname)
# ldap.basedn - sets base DN for entry search
# ldap.filter - sets search filter (default: '(|(mail=*%s*)(cn=*%s*))' )
# ldap.scope - sets search scope (default: 'sub')
# ldap.timelimit - sets search time limit in seconds (default: 5)
# ldap.sizelimit - sets number of search results (default: 5)
# - sets CN attribute name (default: 'cn')
# ldap.mail - sets mail attribute name (default: 'mail')
# ldap.debug - sets debug level (default: 0)
# (see man Net::LDAP 3 - in/out hexdump, 12 - in/out dump)
# ldap.starttls - enables TLS support (default: 0 (off))
# ldap.verify - enables certificate verification for TLS (default: 'required')
# ldap.sslversion - sets SSL version (default: 'tlsv1')
# ldap.binddn - sets DN for LDAP login (default: 0 (off))
# ldap.password - sets password for LDAP login
# supportedsuffixes - list of supported file suffixes (without a dot)
# sizelimit - file size limit (deafult: 2097152 (=2MB))
# editablefiles - list of regular expressions to identify text files
# editablecategories - regular expression of categories (default: (text|soruce|shell|config|markup))
# disableckeditor - disables CKEditor for HTML editing
# sizelimit - size limit for text files in bytes (default: 2097152 (=2MB))
# template - template file (default: editform)
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables file action entry in popup menu
# disable_fileaction - disables file action
# template - viewerjs template filename
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables file action entry in popup menu
# disable_fileaction - disables file action
# disable_fileaction - disables fileaction entry
# disable_filelistaction - disables fileaction entry
# disable_fileactionpopup - disables fileaction entry in popup menu
# disable_new - disables new menu entry
# enable_apps - enables sidebar menu entry